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Friday, October 20, 2006

Invitation Etiquette

Getting Down to the Particulars
Numbers are important when preparing a wedding invitation. Knowing how many invitations to mail and when to mail them are important numbers for your wedding invitation. The general guidelines for sending out invitations to your wedding is six weeks to 12 months before the ceremony. If you are inviting guests from out-of-town you should allow an extended amount of time for the individual to receive the wedding invitation and to make arrangements to attend.
Unless everyone who receives a wedding invitation will be invited to the reception, it is standard practice to include a separate card announcing the particulars of the reception with the wedding invitation of those you intend to invite to the reception. No matter how you plan, you will always need an extra wedding invitation. As a rule, it is a good idea to order at least 25 extra invitations.

Considering Style
When your guests receive their wedding invitation, they should receive more than a simple card with information on it. Add as much creative flair to your wedding invitation that you possibly can. Ideas for making a wedding invitation unique include adding color, accessories, and aromas. You can experiment with each of these elements when deciding on the style of wedding invitation to use or view samples from a printer, online catalog, or those within a stationary shop.

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