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Thursday, May 25, 2006

Techniques for Handling a Wedding crasher

The tradition typically associated with weddings is often shaken in movies. The recent hit, "The Wedding crashers" portrayed an aspect of the ceremony in a unique light. The movie features mediators who have a routine of crashing wedding parties. The movie has experienced a huge amount of success and exposes an issue of wedding planning that many couples overlook: how to handle a wedding crasher.

Create a Lookout Plan
You may think it a silly idea to assign people to look for a wedding crasher, but you will be too caught up in the moment to worry about these issues, and you shouldn't. There is no need to go out and hire secret service men. All you need is to commission a couple of people to be able to identify that everyone attending your wedding ceremony was invited.

One way to verify that someone is not a wedding crasher is to check that everyone who arrives has an invitation. If you feel uncomfortable with this idea, you can conceal your motives and exchange the wedding invitation for a special gift as your guests arrive. Having guests sign in as they arrive is another way to keep a wedding crasher out of your ceremony. Whichever way you choose to handle it, the idea is try and stop a wedding crasher at the door.

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