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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Las Vegas Wedding

Las Vegas a is a very popular place for couples to get married, especially couples in America. If the couple is getting grief about being together or getting married then they usually plan to elope to Las Vegas and have a wedding there. They are quick weddings and all you need is two people there to witness the wedding, you don’t need to be dressed up or anything, but you can be! You can have a glamorous wedding at one of the top hotels in Las Vegas if you have a lot of money behind you, the smaller weddings are usually performed at what is like a drive through wedding service.

Las Vegas is casino central in America, they have the large flashing lights, the nude ladies dancing and the lights that take your breath away… Las Vegas is a marriage hot spot.

A Las Vegas wedding is somewhat controversial, some people call it cheesy others call it class. You can get anything in America fast food, fast drinks and now a fast wedding, parlours are all over Las Vegas where you can quickly pop in and a minister or a court official will make your marriage legal and that is that, for a small fee of course.

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